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The nose is one of the organs that may be considered as most important in facial beauty, as it needs to be compatible and proportional with other parts of the face and it is located on just mid-face. Rhinoplasty is a procedure to render the nose concordant and appropriate by re-shaping the nose skeleton and soft tissues. If the patients have disorders such as breathing difficulty by the nose (septum deviation) beside nasal deformity, these are concomitantly corrected.

With rhinoplasty surgery, the nose may be reduced or augmented, the nasal arch may be removed, tip of the nose may be lifted and thinned, the nostrils may be narrowed, the deformity may be corrected in the patients whose tip of nose moves during talking or laughing, the folding deformity on the upper lip may be corrected, nose curvature may be corrected, and most importantly all these procedures may be performed without interfering the nasal functions and concurrently with other interventions for breathing difficulties, if available.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It may last 1 to 3 hours depending on the technique to be applied. The pain is usually minimal and can be relieved by analgesics. Especially during the first postoperative week, the patient should lie with the head elevated. This is required to minimize the swelling and to provide an earlier recovery.

For more detailed information, please get an appointment from our specialist doctor.

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