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Ear Aesthetics
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Ear Aesthetics

The ear is an important aesthetic organ affecting the external appearance. Aesthetically, the most commonly encountered deformity is prominent ear deformity. This deformity is defined as an ear which is in front of its normal anatomic position. In addition to the operation for prominent ear deformity, aesthetic operations may also be performed to reshape the missing folds and to reduce the ears bigger than normal.

Operations for ear aesthetics are usually performed beginning from the age of 6. The procedure is performed through an incision behind the earlap and under local anesthesia. The adults and children may stand up and go home a few hours after the operation.

Head of the patient will be wrapped at the end of operation in order to facilitate the process of reshaping and healing. The other problems that should be corrected include upper of ear which is lower and curved forward, very small ear, and ear deformities in which natural folds and lines of outer edge are not present. Additionally, in our clinic, procedures for excessively large earlobes and for the reconstruction of a new ear for those who lost their ear accidentally or have not an ear at birth.

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Date of Update: 14/09/2015

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